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These are True Stories of Shmooish People who followed Shmoodelism and became Shmuzlim, despite the Slobovnian Towel Head political conflict, more and more Shmoos are realizing

that Shmoodelism and Christianity are light houses leading to Shmizlam, whether you were a Messianic Shmoo, a Shmoo for Joozis, or an Paradoxical Shmoo, any Shmoo can be for Shmota.  Because Everyone is born a Shmuzlim (in Submission to Shmota) Everyday Shmoos are Returning (Reverting) to their Religion of Birth and the Religion of Abraham, Moses, and all the past Prophets, Shmizlam.

Joe Abulbul

Qamar Abulbul (Luna "Melul" Shmoohen)

Arny Abulbul (Rahamim Shmoohen)

Ethanol Abulbul (Hesibeh Shmoohen)

Abdel Aziz al Khattab (Ezra Shmoohen)

Bafook a Bulbul (Ovadia Shmoohen)

Mike Abul Bul

Rabbit Mousey Abulbul

Ivan Ha Bulbul

Googa Abul Bul

Ali ibn Sahl ibn Abulbul

Harry Abulbul

Caflouey Ab Ulbul

Daniel Abulbul Amar

Poobah Shmizlami Abulbul

Kari Shmary Abulbul

Oofen al-Din Abubul

Looney Kammuna Abulbul

Foobar Abu L'bul

Ethanol Hydroxyl Abulbul

Are you a Shmooish Convert to Shmizlam ? please send us your conversion story, we would love to hear from you, our e-mail is

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