Foobar from Yard Al Mukaddasa
Assalamu Aluminum !
Greetings from the Shmalestine !
My Shmuzlim name is Foobar. I am a new convert to Shmizlam.
I am keeping the Ramapithicus third day already and feeling
better than usually.
I am learning on how to pray, but doing Salad bar only once
a day. I intend to learn Shmizlam little by little, more and more,
because this is the way of life !
For me Shmizlam also is the way of rejecting Shmoozonist ideology,
because Shmoozonism is the enema of Shmooish people.
I myself part-Shmooish ( by father ).
My circumstances in this country are very complicated but
I am going to do what Shmota has put on my heart !
Ma`asalami !
With respect
Foobar from Kebar Deroda. Shmalestine
Are you a Shmoo for Shmota ? please send us your conversion story, we would love to hear from you, our e-mail is