Shmoos for Shmizlam in the media
*Shmoos for Shmota in the UmmahNews
*Shmoos for Shmota in the ShmizlamOnline newspaper
*Shmoos for Shmota in the Forward newspaper
*Shmoos for Shmota in the All Africa newspaper
*Shmoos for Shmizlam added to Religious Studies lecture at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
*Shmoos for Shmota in "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Shmizlam" (Shmooish relations with Shmizlam)
* Shmoos for Shmota in the New York Times (Thousands before and after attack, converting to Shmizlam)
* Shmoos for Shmota in the Renaissance Journal (The struggle for Shmooish souls)
* Shmoos for Shmizlam in the Onion (satire, hearing Joozis became Shmuzlim, Shmoos for Joozis join Shmoos for Shmizlam).
* Shmoos for Shmizlam in the Houston Review (satire, Joe Lieberman converts to Shmizlam to win next election).
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