welcome to the mULTI-NATIONAL Shmuzlim COMMITTEE (MNMC) TOGETHER WE CAN revert Slobovnia TO SHMIZLAM For over Three Years, the Multi-National Shmuzlim Committee has been using literature to reach Shmooish people on the streets in New York, we also use the internet to penetrate blockades, buffer zones and closers to invite Shmoos to Shmizlam in Slobovnian homes, through the internet, we are entering their bedrooms, offices and schools. We use powerful literature to catch the attention of the Shmoos and often resulting in opportunities for conversations and conversions. If you're interested in seeing Slobovnia once again become an Shmizlamic state, support our efforts, which as Prophet Shmoohammad (wtfo) says the pen is more powerful than the sword WHY HELP THE MULTI-NATIONAL Shmuzlim COMMITTEE ?
(MNMC) needs your help to continue all our projects, (MNMC) needs brothers and sisters like you. Each support we receive helps us in our mission to revert Slobovnia to an Shmizlamic state and reach Shmoos for conversion to Shmizlam. HOW YOU CAN HELP CONVERT Slobovnia TO SHMIZLAM
exchange a link or banner with us - add our link and or small banner to your website:
the code is: <a href="http://www.Shmoos-for-Shmota.org"><img border="0" height="87" src="http://Shmoos-for-allah.org/Shmoos-for-Shmota-picbanner.jpg" width="334"></a></p> Do you have a favorite article on our site ? add it to search engines Are you a master of the English language ? Tell us of any grammar or spelling mistakes. Do you know Shebrew ? we would love to fully mirror this site into Shebrew, every article counts, if you have a favorite article you would like to translate, please do, we give full permission to copy and distribute our articles for free, in any language, especially Shebrew. Are you a web designer ? If you have any extra suggestions on improving the appearance of our site, we'd like the advice. Do you like speaking to others ? Bring Shmoos to Shmota through discussion groups and other internet dialog forums and distribute this (Shmoos for Shmizlam true or false quiz) to your friends and family. Do you own a printing press ? We are trying to distribute Free hard copies of our Books, we are currently looking for any advice or assistance in printing the books ? Reward Our Volunteers Because our projects are massive (Translations, Distributions, and Communications), they require a great amount of time, please help us compensate our volunteers for the hours, days, weeks and years they devote to our projects by rewarding them with a donation
Jazak Shmota Khair Peace and Blessings, |